•• ROLL CALL •• |

6,240 Alumni
(and counting)
Sorry. No upcoming reunion information is available at this time.

Sign up to get your own class website, some great reunion planning tools and much more!
Sign Up Today!
1,146 Alumni have added profiles to the Alumni Directory so far.

Combined, we have 2,054 children, 624 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

78 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces, including 6 still on active duty.

659 of us spent a combined total of 2,581 years earning 88 Associates, 478 Bachelors, 162 Masters and 36 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 51 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 62 foreign countries.

76 of us have birthdays this month, and 55 of us have birthdays in April.

Currently, 114 of us are retired.


Alumni in the U.S.
Alabama |
9 |
Alaska |
2 |
American Samoa |
1 |
Arizona |
8 |
California |
25 |
Colorado |
16 |
Connecticut |
2 |
Delaware |
4 |
District of Columbia |
3 |
Florida |
84 |
Georgia |
38 |
Hawaii |
1 |
Idaho |
1 |
Illinois |
10 |
Indiana |
6 |
Iowa |
1 |
Kansas |
3 |
Kentucky |
9 |
Louisiana |
3 |
Maine |
3 |
Maryland |
38 |
Massachusetts |
7 |
Michigan |
6 |
Minnesota |
3 |
Mississippi |
2 |
Missouri |
4 |
Montana |
2 |
Nebraska |
3 |
Nevada |
3 |
New Hampshire |
1 |
New Jersey |
5 |
New Mexico |
5 |
New York |
16 |
North Carolina |
123 |
Ohio |
12 |
Oklahoma |
3 |
Oregon |
3 |
Pennsylvania |
13 |
South Carolina |
30 |
Tennessee |
22 |
Texas |
31 |
U.S. Virgin Islands |
1 |
Utah |
3 |
Vermont |
1 |
Virginia |
3662 |
Washington |
16 |
West Virginia |
4 |
Wisconsin |
5 |
Wyoming |
2 |

Alumni Abroad:
American Samoa |
1 |
Canada |
2 |
Finland |
1 |
Germany |
1 |
Iraq |
1 |
Netherlands |
1 |
Spain |
2 |
Taiwan, Republic of China |
1 |
United Arab Emirates |
1 |
United Kingdom |
2 |

Asia/Pacific |
1 |
Eur/Afr/Mideast |
1 |

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.


Hello Confederates!
If you were a member of one of the graduating classes listed above, then your class is already online! Click on your class year to reconnect with old friends and classmates, and be sure to check your "Class List" to see if your Reunion Planning Committee knows how to reach you!
The Alumni Directory
If your e-mail address is already on-file with your Class, then you've been pre-approved to participate in the Alumni Directory FREE OF CHARGE! Click the Alumni Directory link in the right column to get started. There, you'll find more information and a link to sign in.

Class not signed up yet?
Well, what are you waiting for? This website was designed to give Reunion Committees and their classes a safe and easy way to re-connect. Even if a committee hasn't been set up yet, you don't have to wait until the last minute to get started! If you're ready to create a simple class website, send out a few e-mails, and start updating your class list, then you can give your class a great headstart on your next reunion.
On our site, there are no Alumni fees, no ads, and no upgrades to surprise you with later. Using our system, you and your committee will be able to take control of your class list and work together online 24/7 from anywhere in the U.S. or around the world to organize a great reunion while at the same time give ALL of your classmates a safe and secure environment to reconnect and stay connected at NO cost to them.
And your class list? Well, that's yours, of course. We have NO right to contact your class - ever!
If you think you're the right person for the job, CLICK HERE to request a 15-day FREE TRIAL. Give us your name and class year, and we'll get to work!

By signing up, you and your class will get 24/7 access to: |
Class Database
Class Website
Class E-mailer
Mailing Label Creator
On-line RSVP system
Accept credit cards w/PayPal.
Upload Then and Now photos. |
Print Reunion Name Tags w/Yearbook Photos.
Create Reunion Slideshows.
Make Trivia Quizzes - lots of fun!
Add music and YouTube videos to your site.
The Alumni Directory - FREE to all classmates!
Yearbook Uploader
"Silent Auction" Fundraising Tool |
sign up today! |

The yearly fee covers everyone in your class and is based on your class size, as follows:
- $49 a year will cover classes with up to 200 classmates.
- $69 a year will cover classes with up to 400 classmates.
- $89 a year will cover classes with more than 400 classmates.

still can't decide?
CLICK HERE to request a 15-day FREE TRIAL.
Be sure to explain your interest in starting a class
website and also give us your name and class year! |
